cara menurunkan berat badan dengan cepat dan alami tanpa olahraga

cara menurunkan berat badan dengan cepat dan alami tanpa olahraga Make the most of the British people , diet and exercise is the second choice for weight loss .

The first option is to undergo cosmetic surgery . A study examined the eating habits and exercise the UK . The research surveyed 1,743 people to find out their attitudes towards facelift .

The results were quite surprising . As many as 59 percent of British people surveyed by , rather than regulating cosmetic surgery diet and exercise , to repair their physical appearance .

Cosmetic surgery is most desired by men and women in the UK , according to the survey is the alias liposuction liposuction .

The top five most desired cosmetic surgery British women are liposuction, tummy tuck or diminution stomach , breast implants or breast enlarge , breast lifting or raising the sagging breast and buttock implants .

After liposuction , male breast reduction surgery wants England (breast reduction ) , tummy tuck , breast implants or pectoral implants , and implants stomach .

" We always recommend a healthy lifestyle through diet regulation and exercise to repair the physical appearance . But , we want to know how many people will take into account cosmetic surgery as a means to quickly get their dream body , "says Maz Darvish , CEO of , commented on the survey results .

It appears , further Darvish , people see cosmetic surgery as an easy option to overcome aging .

Although surgery can help raise self-esteem and appearance in the short-term , healthy life that can only fitness repair and nourish the heart and lungs .

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